AC Power Supply PCR-LE series

AC Power Supply PCR-LE2 series

AC Power Supply PCR-M series

Commnunication Interface Mannual


Command (Function)

Output Settings

Setting the Output

OUTP:COUP Sets the output mode

Output on/off

OUTP Output on/off
OUTP:PON Output status at power-on (PCR-LE only)

Setting the output on/off phase angle

OUTP:PHAS:ON Sets the output on phase control
OUTP:PHAS:ON:LEV Sets the output on phase angle
OUTP:PHAS:OFF Sets the output off phase control
OUTP:PHAS:OFF:LEV Sets the output off phase angle

Setting the voltage surge suppression

SYST:CONF:SSUP Sets the voltege surge suppression

Setting the voltage

VOLT:RANG Sets the voltage range
VOLT Sets the AC voltage
VOLT:OFFS Sets the DC voltage

Setting the frequency

FREQ Sets the frequency

Output Settings
(Single-phase, three-wire output/ Three-phase output)

VOLT{1|2|3} Sets the AC voltage of each phase
VOLT{1|2|3}:OFFS Sets the DC voltage of each phase
VOLT:LINE Sets the AC line voltage
SYST:CONF:TPH:MODE Sets the output mode (2P05-PCR-LE only)
VOLT:OFFS:LINE Sets the DC line voltage (2P05-PCR-LE only)
SYST:CONF:PHAS:UV Sets the U-V phase difference
SYST:CONF:PHAS:UW Sets the U-W phase difference (3P05-PCR-LE only)

Command (function search)

Command (ABC search)

Command (Sub-system search)




AC power supply  PCR-M seriesAC Power Supply PCR-LE series
Communication Interface Manual

AC power supply  PCR-M seriesAC Power Supply PCR-LE2 series
Communication Interface Manual

AC power supply  PCR-M seriesAC Power Supply PCR-M series
Communication Interface Manual