Output-on Phase Control (SEQuence 2: SYNChronize, PCR-M only)
On the PCR-LE, use the output subsystem commands to control the output ON/OFF phase. Do not use sequences.
PCR-M/PCR-LE has five different trigger subsystems -TRANsient, SYNChronize, ACQuire, SIMulation, and PROGram. These features are mapped to SEQuence1 to SEQuence5 respectively, as the SCPI specification generally categorizes each trigger subsystem as a numbered Trigger Sequence.
The SEQuence2 (SYNChronize) group is the output ON phase control trigger subsystem.
Using TRIGger:SEQuence2 (or TRIGger:SYNChronize) subsystem allows you to synchronize the output ON/OFF changes with a specific AC output phase angle.
TRIGger:SEQuence2:SOURce PHASe 'Configures the PCR so that the phase will be controlled when the output is turned on
TRIGger:SEQuence2:PHASe 270 'Sets the phase angle at 270 deg
OUTPut ON 'Turns the output on
When the power supply output is changed from OFF to ON state, the changing action is synchronized to the specified phase angle.
To disable the output-on phase control, set the trigger source to IMMediate.
TRIGger:SEQuence2:SOURce IMMediate
The output-on phase control is applied only when the output is changed from OFF to ON. It is not applied when the output changes from ON to OFF or when other settings such as the AC voltage setting, DC voltage setting, and frequency setting change.
The output-on phase control is not a function that synchronizes the output frequency to the input commercial AC line.
The sequence 2 group does not have INITiate commands. It is always initiated and cannot be aborted.