AC Power Supply PCR-LE series

AC Power Supply PCR-LE2 series

AC Power Supply PCR-M series

Commnunication Interface Mannual



Sequence (SEQuence5: PROGram, PCR-LE/PCR-LE2 only)

PCR-M/PCR-LE/PCR-LE2 has five different trigger subsystems -TRANsient, SYNChronize, ACQuire, SIMulation, and PROGram. These features are mapped to SEQuence1 to SEQuence5 respectively, as the SCPI specification generally categorizes each trigger subsystem as a numbered Trigger Sequence.

The SEQuence5 (PROGram) group is used to execute sequences on the PCR-LE/PCR-LE2.

Configuring step and sequence settings

First, configure the steps.

Use the PROG:EDIT command to set the number of the step that you want to configure, frequency transition, frequency, AC voltage transition, AC voltage, DC voltage signal change, DC voltage, step execution time, waveform bank number, status output, trigger output, trigger input, and whether output is ON or OFF.

:PROGram:Edit 1,OFF,50HZ,OFF,100V,OFF,0V,10S,0,OFF,ON,OFF,ON 'Configures step 1

:PROGram:Edit 2,OFF,60HZ,ON,200V,OFF,0V,1MIN,1,OFF,OFF,OFF,ON 'Configures step 2

:PROGram:Edit 3,ON,400HZ,ON,230V,OFF,50V,1HR,2,ON,OFF,OFF,ON 'Configures step 3

Next, configure the sequence conditions.

:PROGram:STEP:STARt 1 'Sets the starting step number

:PROGram:STEP:END 3 'Sets the ending step number

:PROGram:LOOP 10 'Sets the number of repetitions

After you have finished configuring the sequence, execute it.

Executing sequences

Send the following command to execute a sequence.


You can query the execution state of the sequence.


The execution state—STOP (stopped), RUN (running), or PAUSE (paused), elapsed step time, present repetition number, and step number are returned as a comma-separated list.

To stop a sequence that is being executed, send the following command.


You can use triggers to execute sequences.

Execution using triggers

You can use triggers to synchronize sequences by using the TRIGger:SEQuence5 (or TRIGger:PROGram) subsystem.

A sequence has three states: IDLE, INITiated, and WTG. For details, click here.


To start a sequence immediately, set the trigger source to IMMediate, and then use the INITiate command.

:TRIGger:SEQuence5:SOURce IMMediate 'Sets the trigger source to IMM

:INITiate:SEQuence5 'Initiates sequence 5. The sequence begins.

If you are using software triggers to start the measurement on the sequence 5 group, change the trigger source to BUS.

:TRIGger:SEQuence5:SOURce BUS 'Sets the trigger source to BUS

:INITiate:SEQuence5 'Initiates sequence 5

:TRIGger:SEQuence5 'Applies a software trigger to sequence 5. The sequence begins.

Use the TRIGger:SEQuence5:SOURce command to set the trigger source to BUS or IMMediate. INITiate:SEQuence5 pulls the TRIGger subsystem out of the IDLE state and starts (initiates) the trigger function.

If the trigger source is set to IMMediate, the sequence starts immediately. If the trigger source is set to BUS, the TRIGger subsystem enters the WTG (Waiting For Trigger) state. When a software trigger is received (through the TRIGger:SEQuence5 command or *TRG command), the sequence starts. When the sequence finishes, the TRIGger subsystem enters the IDLE state again. If the ABORt command or an equivalent command is received in the WTG state or when a sequence is being executed, the sequence is canceled, and the TRIGger subsystem returns to the IDLE state.

TRIGger:SEQuence5:IMMediate only applies a software trigger to the sequence 5 group.

You can also use the *TRG command or the IEEE488.1 get (Group Execute Trigger) command for the same purpose. This command applies a software trigger to all the sequence groups, so if there are sequence groups that are in the INITiated state, their sequences will also be executed at the same time.


Command (function search)

Command (ABC search)

Command (Sub-system search)




AC power supply  PCR-M seriesAC Power Supply PCR-LE series
Communication Interface Manual

AC power supply  PCR-M seriesAC Power Supply PCR-LE2 series
Communication Interface Manual

AC power supply  PCR-M seriesAC Power Supply PCR-M series
Communication Interface Manual