Command (Sub-system search)
SOURce subsystem
ARB:APPL | Applies the I-V characteristics map and reflects it in the output |
ARB:CLE | Returns the I-V characteristics map to its default setting |
ARB:COUN | Sets the number of data points of the I-V characteristics map |
ARB:DATA | Sets the entire I-V characteristics map in block data format |
ARB:MAP | Sets the voltage and current values for the specified parts of the I-V characteristics map |
ARB:MAP:LIST? | Queries the entire contents of the I-V characteristics map |
ARB:RESP | Sets the response speed for ARB mode. |
COND | Sets the conductance in CR mode |
COND:EXT:FCON | Enables/disables external control in CR mode |
COND:PULS:LEV | Sets the pulse conductance |
COND:PULS:FREQ | Sets the pulse frequency |
COND:PULS:DCYC | Sets the pulse duty cycle |
COND:RANG | Sets the CR mode range |
COND:RESP | Sets the response speed in CR mode |
CURR | Sets the current in CC mode |
CURR:EXT:ACON | Enables/disables external superimposed input in CC mode |
CURR:EXT:FCON | Enables/disables external control in CC mode |
CURR:PROT | Sets the current value for overcurrent protection (OCP) |
CURR:PROT:STAT | Sets the operation to be performed when overcurrent protection (OCP) is activated |
CURR:PULS:LEV | Sets the pulse current |
CURR:PULS:FREQ | Sets the pulse frequency |
CURR:PULS:DCYC | Sets the pulse duty cycle |
CURR:SINE:AMPL | Sets the sine amplitude |
CURR:SINE:FREQ | Sets the sine current |
CURR:SLEW | Sets the slew rate value |
CURR:SST | Sets the current’s soft start time |
FUNC | Sets the operation mode |
FUNC:CVOP | Enables or disables the +CV function |
POW | Sets the power of CP mode |
POW:EXT:FCON | Enables/disables external control in CP mode |
POW:PROT | Sets the power of overpower protection (OPP) |
POW:PROT:STAT | Sets the operation to be performed when overpower protection (OPP) is activated |
PROG | Selects or deselects a program |
PROG:CRE | Creates a new program of the specified name |
PROG:CURR:PROT | Sets the current value for overcurrent protection (OCP) in the selected program |
Sets the operation when overcurrent protection (OCP) is activated in the selected program |
PROG:CVOP:LEV | Sets the voltage at +CV (addition of CV mode) application in the selected program |
PROG:DEL | Deletes the program of the specified name |
PROG:LIST? | Retrieves the list of registered programs |
PROG:LOOP | Sets the number of times that the selected program will repeat |
PROG:POW:PROT | Sets the power of overpower protection (OPP) in the selected program |
Sets the operation to be performed when overpower protection (OPP) is activated in the selected program |
PROG:REN | Changes the name of the selected program |
PROG:SAVE | Saves the selected program |
PROG:STEP<n>:DWEL | Sets the step execution time at the specified step of the selected program |
PROG:STEP<n>:INP | Sets whether to turn the load on at the specified step of the selected program |
PROG:STEP<n>:LEV | Sets the load at the specified step of the selected program |
PROG:STEP<n>:OUTP | Sets whether to turn the load on at the specified step of the selected program |
PROG:STEP<n>:SLEW | Sets the slew rate at the specified step of the selected program |
PROG:STEP<n>:TRAN | Sets the setting transition method at the specified step of the selected program |
PROG:STEP<n>:TRIG:GEN | Sets whether to perform trigger output at the specified step of the selected program |
PROG:STEP<n>:TRIG:WAIT | Sets trigger wait at the specified step of the selected program |
PROG:STEPS:COUN | Sets the number of steps to be registered to the selected program |
PROG:VOLT:PROT:ACT | Sets the operation to be performed when overpower protection (UVP) is activated in the selected program |
PROG:VOLT:PROT:LOW | Sets the voltage of underpower protection (UVP) in the selected program |
PROG:VOLT:PROT:STAT | Enables/disables undervoltage protection (UVP) in the selected program |
VOLT | Sets the voltage of CV mode |
VOLT:EXT:FCON | Enables/disables external control in CV mode |
VOLT:PROT:ACT | Sets the operation to be performed when overcurrent protection (UVP) is activated |
VOLT:PROT:LOW | Sets the voltage of undervoltage protection (UVP) |
VOLT:PROT:STAT | Enables/disables undervoltage protection (UVP) |
VOLT:RESP | Sets the response speed in CV mode |