Commands (Function/Subsystem)
IEEE 488.2 common commands
*CLS | Clears all the event registers |
*ESE | Sets the event status enable register bits |
*ESR? | Queries the event status register |
*IDN? | Queries the manufacturer information |
*OPC | Generates an operation completion message in the event status register when the commands that are in standby have been processed |
*OPT? | Queries the optional interfaces that are installed in the PLZ12005WH/PLZ20005WH |
*PSC | Sets whether to initialize *ESE and *SRE when the POWER switch is turned on |
*RCL | Recalls panel settings from the specified memory number |
*RST | Resets the PLZ12005WH/PLZ20005WH |
*SAV | Saves the present settings to memory |
*SRE | Sets the service request enable register bits |
*STB? | Reads the status byte and master summary status bits |
*TRG | Trigger command |
*TST? | Executes a self test |
*WAI | Prevents execution of subsequent commands or queries until all operations that are in standby have completed |