Basic Settings
Using the following load conditions as an example, this section explains how to write commands starting from basic configuration up to turning the load on.
Load conditions
Operation mode: | CC mode |
Current value: | 30 A |
Slew rate: | 3 A/μs |
Pulse: | Pulse level 10 A Pulse frequency 10 Hz Duty cycle 50 % |
Overcurrent protection (OCP): | Activated at 40 A Load is turned off when activated |
Command examples
:FUNCtion CC ’Set the operation mode to CC mode
:CURRent 30 ’Set the current to 30 A
:CURRent:SLEWrate 3 ’Set the slew rate to 3 A/μs
:CURRent:PULSe:LEVel 20 ’Set the pulse level to 20 A
:CURRent:PULSe:FREQuency 10 ’Set the pulse frequency to 10 Hz
:CURRent:PULSe:DCYCle 50 ’Set the duty cycle to 50 %
:CURRent:PROTection 40 ’Set OCP to 40 A
:CURRent:PROTection:STATe ON ’Turn off the load when OCP is activated
:INPut ON ’Load on
Checking the current’s minimum/maximum values
The current’s minimum/maximum setting values depend on the set current range. You can query the present minimum/maximum setting value by sending a query to which the MINimum or MAXimum parameter is added, as shown below.