Overview of Trigger Function
The PLZ12005WH/PLZ20005WH allows you to control the start timing of measurement and sequences using triggers. In the trigger wait state, a measurement or a sequence can be started when an event selected beforehand (trigger source) matches an event either inside or outside the PLZ12005WH/PLZ20005WH (trigger).
Trigger systems
There are two trigger systems.
TRANsient | A sequence or step starts using trigger detection as the starting point. |
ACQuire | Measurement starts using trigger detection as the starting point. |
Trigger source
The following trigger sources are supported.
IMMediate | Execution starts at the internal timing of the PLZ12005WH/PLZ20005WH without waiting for trigger application. The delay until the start of execution is reduced to a minimum. |
BUS | Execution starts at the software trigger (*TRG) application timing. Software triggers are applied to both the TRANsient and ACQuire trigger systems. |
DIGITAL2 | Execution starts at the timing at which a signal is input to pin 13 of the EXT CONT connector. (when SYST:CONF:DIGITAL2:DIR is set to INPut) |
TALink (ACQuire only) |
If PROG:STEP<n>:TRIG:GEN is set to TALink, measured values are recorded during the step execution of the sequence. |
MSYNc | Measurement or sequence starts when a signal is received from external equipment synchronized to the PLZ12005WH/PLZ20005WH or when a TRIG:ACQ:MSYN or TRIG:TRAN:MSYN synchronization command packet is received from a PC or the like. |
TRIGIN (step execution only) |
The next step is executed when a signal is input to pin 9 of the EXT CONT connector. |
LOADOFF | Executes the sequence when the load is turned off. |
Trigger processing procedure
The general trigger processing procedure is illustrated in the following figures. You can set the sequence trigger source with TRIG:TRAN:SOUR. You can set the measurement trigger source with TRIG:ACQ:SOUR.
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