Status Monitoring
The PLZ12005WH/PLZ20005WH has two mandatory SCPI standard registers, STATus:OPERation and STATus:QUEStionable, in addition to the IEEE488.2 standard registers.
Register basics
All SCPI registers have a standard architecture that uses events/filters. CONDition, EVENt, and ENABle and optionally PTRansition and NTRansition can be used. CONDition and EVENt are read-only registers working as status indicators. ENABle, PTRansition and NTRansition are read-write registers working as event and summary filters.
The OPERation Status register is used to record events and notifications that occur during normal operations.
For example, to check whether CV output is being performed, check the CV bit (bit 0) of the STATus:OPERation register.
:STATus:OPERation? ‘Checks whether the CV bit is set.
The QUEStionable Status register is used to record events and notifications that occur during abnormal operations.
To check whether the overvoltage protection function has been activated, check the OV bit (bit 0) of the STATus:QUEStionable register.
:STATus:QUEStionable? ‘Checks whether the CV bit is set.