Command (Sub-system)

SOURce subsystem

CONDuctance Set the conductance
CONDuctance:RANGe Set the range of conductance
CONDuctance:TRIGgered Set the conductance when a trigger is activated
CURRent Set the current
CURRent:PROTection Set the overcurrent protection
CURRent:PROTection:ACTion Sets whether to turn off the load or limit the current when the OCP trips
CURRent:RANGe Set the range of current
CURRent:SLEW Set the slew rate
CURRent:TRIGgered Set the current when a trigger is activated
FUNCtion Sets the operation mode
FUNCtion:CTIMe Turns ON/OFF the count time
FUNCtion:RESPonse Set the transient response speed
FUNCution:RESPonse:CR Set the transient response speed for CR mode of PLZ-4WL
FUNCution:RESPonse:CV (PLZ-4WL) Set the transient response speed for CV mode of PLZ-4WL
FUNCution:RESPonse:CV (PLZ-4WH) Set the transient response speed for CV mode of PLZ-4WH
FUNCtion:SSTart Set the soft start time
POWer Set the power
POWer:PROTection Set the overpower protection
POWer:PROTection:ACTion Sets whether to turn off the load or limit the power when the OPP trips
POWer:RANGe Set the range of power
PRESet:RECall Recalls settings from memory
PRESet:STORe Stores the settings to memory
PULSe Turns ON/OFF the switching mode
PULSe:DCYCle Set the switching duty cycle
PULSe:FREQuency Set the pulse frequency
PULSe:LEVel:CONDuctance Set the conductance level
PULSe:LEVel:CURRent Set the current level
PULSe:LEVel:PERCentage:CONDuctance Set the conductance level in terms of a percentage of the setting
PULSe:LEVel:PERCentage:CURRent Set the current level in terms of a percentage of the setting
PULSe:PERiod Set the pulse period
VOLTage Set the voltage
VOLTage:PROTection:STATe Turns ON/OFF the undervoltage protection
VOLTage:PROTection:UNDer Set the undervoltage protection
VOLTage:RANGe Set the range of voltage




Overview of Messages

Command (function search)

Command (ABC search)

Command (Sub-system search)

