Command (Sub-system)

SYSTem subsystem

SYSTem:CAPability Query the SCPI instrument class and the basic functions
SYSTem:ERRor Reads the oldest error information
SYSTem:KLOCk Locks the panel operation for PLZ-4WH
SYSTem:KLOCk:SELect Set the type of panel lock operation for PLZ-4WH
SYSTem:LOCk Set the PLZ-4W/PLZ-4WL/PLZ-4WH operation to panel operation
SYSTem:REMote Set the PLZ-4W/PLZ-4WL/PLZ-4WH operation to remote mode
SYSTem:RENable Set the PLZ-4W operation to remote mode
SYSTem:RSENsing Set the remote sensing function for PLZ-4WL
SYSTem:RWLock Set the PLZ-4W/PLZ-4WL/PLZ-4WH operation to remote mode
SYSTem:VERSion Query the version of the SCPI specifications



Overview of Messages

Command (function search)

Command (ABC search)

Command (Sub-system search)

