AC Power Supply PCR-LE series

AC Power Supply PCR-LE2 series

AC Power Supply PCR-M series

Commnunication Interface Mannual



Changes the execution state of the sequence.

This command is not valid when the action that is performed when the current limit is exceeded is CC (CURR:PROT:STAT OFF).

If the EX05-PCR-LE is in use (optional) and the signal source is set to external signal source (FUNC:SOUR EXT), this command is invalid.

If the EX06-PCR-LE is in use (optional) and the AC voltage is being controlled with an external signal (VOLT:EXT:SOUR VOLT), this command is invalid.




Value STOP Stops the sequence
  RUN Executes the sequence
  PAUSe Pauses the sequence
  CONTinue Continues the sequence that has been paused

Command (function search)

Command (ABC search)

Command (Sub-system search)




AC power supply  PCR-M seriesAC Power Supply PCR-LE series
Communication Interface Manual

AC power supply  PCR-M seriesAC Power Supply PCR-LE2 series
Communication Interface Manual

AC power supply  PCR-M seriesAC Power Supply PCR-M series
Communication Interface Manual