AC Power Supply PCR-LE series

AC Power Supply PCR-LE2 series

AC Power Supply PCR-M series

Commnunication Interface Mannual



Sets the sequence operation auto continue mode of the specified sequence group.

When the sequence operation auto continue mode is turned on

If the trigger source parameter is set to IMM, the change or measurement starts immediately. When the operation is complete, a new change or measurement automatically starts.

If the parameter is set to BUS, the change or measurement starts after receiving a software trigger. When the operation is complete, the PCR-M/ PCR-LE waits for the next trigger.

When the sequence operation auto continue mode is turned off

The change or measurement currently in progress continues unless ABOR is sent. The operation does not automatically continue to the new change or measurement.


INITiate:CONTinuous:NAME {TRANsient|ACQuire},{ON|OFF|1|0}


Parameter {TRANsient|ACQuire}

Value TRAN SEQuence1
ACQ SEQuence3

Parameter {ON|OFF|1|0}

Value ON(1) Auto continue mode on
OFF(0) Auto continue mode off (default)

For the setting that is applied when *RST is sent, see this table

For the setting that is applied when *RST is sent, see this table

For the setting that is applied when *RST is sent, see this table



Returns the sequence operation auto continue mode setting using a string and NR1 foratm in response to INIT:CONT:NAME? {TRAN|ACQ}.

Command (function search)

Command (ABC search)

Command (Sub-system search)




AC power supply  PCR-M seriesAC Power Supply PCR-LE series
Communication Interface Manual

AC power supply  PCR-M seriesAC Power Supply PCR-LE2 series
Communication Interface Manual

AC power supply  PCR-M seriesAC Power Supply PCR-M series
Communication Interface Manual