Command (Function)

Basic Setting

Current settings

SENS:CURR:RANG Sets the current range
SENS:CURR:RANG:AUTO Sets the auto current range on/off status
SENS:CURR:SCAL Sets the on/off status of current scaling
SENS:CURR:SCAL:CTR Sets the scaling CT ratio

Voltage settings

SENS:VOLT:RANG Sets the voltage range
SENS:VOLT:RANG:AUTO Sets the auto voltage range on/off status
SENS:VOLT:SCAL Sets the on/off status of voltage scaling
SENS:VOLT:SCAL:PTR Sets the scaling PT ratio

Averaging settings

SENS:AVER:COUN Sets the average count
SENS:UPD:CYCL Sets the AC waveform cycle count

Synchronization source setting

SENS:SYNC Sets the synchronization source

Filter settings

SENS:FILT Sets the low pass filter
SENS:FILT:FREQ Sets the frequency filter

Display settings

SYST:DISP:CONT Sets the panel display update interval
SYST:DISP:HOLD Sets the holding of displayed values



Overview of Messages

Command (function search)

Command (ABC search)

Command (Sub-system search)

