Command (Subsystem)
SOURce subsystem
CURR | Sets the AC current upper limit |
CURR{1|2|3} | Sets the AC current upper limit of each phase |
CURR:OFFS | Sets the DC current upper limit |
CURR{1|2|3}:OFFS | Sets the DC current upper limit of each phase |
CURR:PEAK | Sets the peak limit of the positive electric potential |
CURR{1|2|3}:PEAK | Sets the peak limit of the positive electric potential of each phase |
CURR:PEAK:LOW | Sets the peak limit of the negative electric potential |
CURR{1|2|3}:PEAK:LOW | Sets the peak limit of the negative electric potential of each phase |
CURR:PROT:OCP2:TIME | Sets the time that must elapse after the internal semiconductor protection is activated before an alarm is generated |
CURR:PROT:STAT | Action that is performed when the current limit is exceeded |
CURR:PROT:TRIP:TIME | Sets the time until the protection function trips when the current limit is exceeded |
FREQ | Sets the frequency |
FREQ:LIM | Sets the frequency upper limit |
FREQ:LIM:LOW | Sets the frequency lower limit |
FREQ:MODE | Sets the trigger function control of the frequency setting |
FREQ:SYNC | Turns the synchronization function on and off |
FREQ:SYNC:PHASE:DEL | Sets the synchronization delay phase angle of the synchronization function |
FREQ:TRIG | Sets the frequency that will be set when a trigger is received |
VOLT | Sets the AC voltage |
VOLT{1|2|3} | Sets the AC voltage of each phase |
VOLT:LIM | Sets the AC voltage upper limit |
VOLT:LIM:LOW | Sets the AC voltage lower limit |
VOLT:LINE | Sets the AC line voltage |
VOLT:MODE | Sets the trigger function control of the AC voltage setting |
VOLT:OFFS | Sets the DC voltage |
VOLT{1|2|3}:OFFS | Sets the DC voltage of each phase |
VOLT:OFFS:LIM | Sets the DC voltage upper limit |
VOLT:OFFS:LIM:LOW | Sets the DC voltage lower limit |
VOLT:OFFS:LINE | Sets the DC line voltage (2P05-PCR-LE only) |
VOLT:OFFS:MODE | Sets the trigger function control of the DC voltage setting |
VOLT:OFFS:PROT:LEV | Sets the OVP value to use to judge averaged voltage measurements |
VOLT:OFFS:PROT:LEV:LOW | Sets the UVP value to use to judge averaged voltage measurements |
VOLT:OFFS:TRIG | Sets the DC voltage that will be set when a trigger is received |
VOLT{1|2|3}:OFFS:TRIG | Sets the DC voltage of each phase that will be set when a trigger is received |
VOLT:PROT:LEV | Sets the OVP value used to judge rms voltage measurements |
VOLT:PROT:LEV:LOW | Sets the UVP value used to judge rms voltage measurements |
VOLT:RANG | Sets the voltage range |
VOLT:TRIG | Sets the AC voltage that will be set when a trigger is received |
VOLT{1|2|3}:TRIG | Sets the AC voltage of each phase that will be set when a trigger is received |
VOLT:VCC | Sets the internal Vcc voltage |
VOLT:VCC:MODE | Sets the Vcc operating condition |
WAVE:BANK | Specifies the number of the waveform bank that you want to execute |
WAVE:BANK:MODE | Sets the trigger function control of the number of the waveform bank |
WAVE:BANK:TRIG | Sets the number of the waveform bank that will be set when a trigger is received |
WAVE:BANK:TYPE | Queries the output waveform type |
WAVE:EDIT:PCL | Sets the special waveform to the sine wave or a peak-clipped waveform, and sets the crest factor |
WAVE:EDIT:USER:DATA:POIN | Sets a user-defined waveform |
WAVE{1|2|3}:EDIT:USER:DATA:POIN | Sets a user-defined waveform of each phase |
WAVE:EDIT:SIN | Sets the special waveform to the sine wave |
SOURce subsystem (Analog signal operation)
FUNC:SOUR | Sets the signal source (EX05-PCR-LE only) |
VOLT:EXT:SOUR | Sets the signal source (EX06-PCR-LE only) |