AC Power Supply PCR-LE series

AC Power Supply PCR-LE2 series

AC Power Supply PCR-M series

Commnunication Interface Mannual



Select whether to control the AC voltage output using an external signal.

This command is valid in Varying the voltage of the output AC waveform using DC signals (optional).

Single-phase three-wire output or Three-phase output (PCR-LE optional): Sets the signal source of all phases at once.

This is valid in AC mode and AC+DC mode (OUTP:COUP AC|ACDC).

This is valid in DC mode and AC+DC mode (OUTP:COUP DC|ACDC).

This command is not valid when the output is on (OUTP ON).


[SOURce:]VOLTage:EXTernal:SOURce {NONE|VOLTage}



Vallue NONE Do not control the AC voltage using an external signal
  VOLTage Control the AC voltage using an external signal

For the setting that is applied when *RST is sent, see this table

For the setting that is applied when *RST is sent, see this table

For the setting that is applied when *RST is sent, see this table



Returns the signal source in character data format in response to VOLT:EXT:SOUR?.

Command (function search)

Command (ABC search)

Command (Sub-system search)




AC power supply  PCR-M seriesAC Power Supply PCR-LE series
Communication Interface Manual

AC power supply  PCR-M seriesAC Power Supply PCR-LE2 series
Communication Interface Manual

AC power supply  PCR-M seriesAC Power Supply PCR-M series
Communication Interface Manual