Command (Function)
Sequence Operations
The second level nodes are SEQuence5 and PROGram. Regardless of which node you use, the PCR operates in the same way when it receives the commands.
Configuring sequences
PROG:EDIT | Edits a sequence step (excluding the jump, impedance, and phase settings) |
PROG:EDIT:PHAS:UOFF | Sets the U phase offset of the sequence |
PROG:EDIT:PHAS:UV | Sets the U-V phase difference of a sequence step |
PROG:EDIT:PHAS:UW | Sets the U-W phase difference of a sequence step (3P05-PCR-LE only) |
PROG:EDIT:PHAS:RAMP | Sets the phase change |
PROG:EDIT:VOLT{0|1|2|3} | Sets the unbalanced AC voltage of a sequence step |
PROG:EDIT:VOLT{0|1|2|3}:OFFS | Sets the unbalanced DC voltage of a sequence step |
PROG:EDIT:JUMP | Edits the jump settings of a sequence step |
PROG:EDIT:OIMP:RAT | Edits the output impedance settings of a sequence step |
PROG:EDIT:PHAS:STAR | Edits the starting phase angle settings and the phase chage setting of a sequence step |
PROG:EDIT:PHAS:STOP | Edits the ending phase angle settings of a sequence step |
PROG:LOOP | Sets the number of sequence repetitions |
PROG:CLE | Sets all the steps in the sequence to their default values |
PROG:STEP:STAR | Sets the sequence starting step number |
PROG:STEP:END | Sets the sequence ending step number |
SYST:CONF:STAT:OUTP:POL | Sets the status signal output polarity |
SYST:CONF:TRIG:INP:POL | Sets the trigger signal input polarity |
SYST:CONF:TRIG:OUTP:POL | Sets the trigger signal output polarity |
Executing sequences
Sets the trigger source of the sequence 5 group |
INIT:SEQ5 | Starts the trigger function of the sequence 5 group |
INIT:NAME | Starts the trigger function of the specified sequence group |
PROG:EXEC | Queries the execution state of the sequence |
PROG:STAT | Changes the execution state of the sequence |
Sequence 5 group software trigger |
ABOR | Aborts the trigger function |
SYST:CONF:PHAS:UOFF:INIT | Clears the U phase offset setting |
Advanced Operation (Analog signal operation)
PROG:EXT:LOG | Sets the logic of the sequence start/stop |