Command (Subsystem)
TRIGger subsystem
ABOR | Aborts the trigger function |
INIT | Starts the trigger function of the sequence 1 group |
INIT:CONT:NAME | Sets the auto continue mode of the specified sequence group |
INIT:CONT:SEQ1 | Sets the auto continue mode of the sequence 1 group |
INIT:CONT:SEQ3 | Sets the auto continue mode of the sequence 3 group |
INIT:NAME | Starts the trigger function of the specified sequence group |
INIT:SEQ3 | Starts the trigger function of the sequence 3 group |
TRIG | Sequence 1 group software trigger |
TRIG:ACQ | Sequence 3 group software trigger |
TRIG:ACQ:SOUR | Sets the trigger source of the sequence 3 group |
TRIG:SEQ2:PHAS | Sets the phase angle of output on phase control |
TRIG:SEQ2:SOUR | Sets the output on phase control |
TRIG:SEQ3 | Sequence 3 group software trigger |
TRIG:SEQ3:SOUR | Sets the trigger source of the sequence 3 group |
TRIG:SOUR | Sets the trigger source of the sequence 1 group |
TRIG:SYNC:SOUR | Sets the output on phase control |
TRIG:SYNC:PHAS | Sets the phase angle of output on phase control |