AC Power Supply PCR-LE series

AC Power Supply PCR-LE2 series

AC Power Supply PCR-M series

Commnunication Interface Mannual


[-199,-100] | [-299,-200]
[-399,-300] | [-499,-400]
[-899,-800] | [100 and higher]

A List of Errors

Command errors

An error in the range [ -199, -100 ] indicates that an IEEE 488.2 syntax error has been detected by the instrument’s parser. The occurrence of any error in this class shall cause the Command Error (bit 5) in the event status register to be set.


Error code Error message description
-100 Command error This is the generic syntax error.
-101 Invalid character A syntactic element contains a character that is invalid for that type.
-102 Syntax error An unrecognized command or data type was encountered.
-103 Invalid separator The parser was expecting a separator and encountered an illegal character.
-104 Data type error The parser recognized a data element different than one allowed.
-105 GET not allowed A Group Execute Trigger was received within a program message.
-108 Parameter not allowed More parameters were received than expected for the header.
-109 Missing parameter Fewer parameters were received than required for the header.
-110 Command header error An error was detected in the header.
-113 Undefined header The header is undefined for this device.
-120 Numeric data error This error is generated when parsing a data element that appears to be numeric, including the nondecimal numeric types.
-130 Suffix error This error is generated when parsing a suffix.
-131 Invalid suffix The suffix does not follow the syntax or the suffix is inappropriate for this device.
-134 Suffix too long The suffix contained more than 12 characters.
-138 Suffix not allowed A suffix was encountered after a numeric element which does not allow suffixes.
-140 Character data error This error is generated when parsing a character data element.
-141 Invalid character data Either the character data element contains an invalid character or the particular element received is not valid for the header.
-144 Character data too Long The character data element contains more than twelve characters.
-148 Character data not allowed A legal character data element was encountered where prohibited by the device.
-150 String data error This error is generated when parsing a string data element.
-160 Block data error This error is generated when parsing a block data element.
-170 Expression error This error is generated when parsing an expression data element.
-180 Macro error This error is generated when defining a macro or executing a macro.


Execution errors

An error in the range [-299, -200] indicates that an error has been detected by the instrument’s execution control block. The occurrence of any error in this class shall cause the Execution Error (bit 4) in the event status register to be set.


Error code Error message description
-200 Execution error (generic) This is the generic syntax error for devices that cannot detect more specific errors.
-203 Command protected Indicates that a legal password-protected program command or query could not be executed because the command was disabled.
-210 Trigger error Trigger error.
-211 Trigger ignored Indicates that a GET, *TRG, or triggering signal was received and recognized by the device but was ignored because of device timing considerations.
-213 Init ignored Indicates that a request for a measurement initiation was ignored as another measurement was already in progress.
-214 Trigger deadlock Indicates that the trigger source for the initiation of a measurement is set to GET and a subsequent measurement query was received.
-220 Parameter error Indicates that a program data element related error occurred.
-221 Settings conflict Indicates that a legal program data element was parsed but could not be executed due to the current device state.
-222 Data out of range Indicates that a legal program data element was parsed but could not be executed because the interpreted value was outside the legal range as defined by the device.
-223 Too much data Indicates that a legal program data element of block, expression, or string type was received that contained more data than the device could handle due to memory or related device-specific requirements.
-224 Illegal parameter value Used where an exact value, from a list of possible values, was expected.
-230 Data corrupt or stale Possibly invalid data; new reading started but not completed since last access.
-241 Hardware missing Indicates that a legal program command or query could not be executed because of missing device hardware.


Device-specific errors

The occurrence of any error in this class shall cause the Device Dependent Error (bit 3) in the event status register to be set.


Error code Error message description
-360 Communication error Communication error when the flow control is turned off. This error applies when the RS232C interface is used.
-362 Framing error in program message Framing error. This error applies when the RS232C interface is used.
-363 Input buffer overrun Buffer overrun error. This error applies when the RS232C interface is used.
-364 Time out error Time out error. This error applies when the RS232C interface is used.


Query errors

An error in the range [-499, -400] indicates that the output queue control of the instrument has detected a problem with the message exchange protocol described in IEEE 488.2, chapter 6. The occurrence of any error in this class shall cause the Query Error (bit 2) in the event status register to be set.


Error code Error message description
-400 Query error (generic) This is the generic query error for devices that cannot detect more specific errors.
-410 Query INTERRUPTED Received a new command before the response was read.
-420 Query UNTERMINATED The controller attempted to read the response after the device received an unsupported query or has not received a query. The -100 "COMMAND ERROR" error and this error are stored in the error queue. The controller will time out.
-430 Query DEADLOCKED The error queue, input buffer, and output buffer are full when sending large binary data as a response, and the transmission timing is off.
-440 Query UNTERMINATED after indefinite response Received a separate query in semicolon-delimited format after a query that returns a response in an indefinite form.
(Example: A command such as the following. *IDN?;SYST:ERR?)


Operation complete event errors

An error in the range [-899, -800] is used when the PCR wishes to report an IEEE488.2 operation complete event. This event occurs when the instrument's synchronization protocol, having been enabled by an *OPC command, completes all selected pending operations.

The occurrence of any event error in this class shall cause the Operation Complete (bit 0) in the event status register to be set.


Error code Error message description
-800 Operation complete The instrument has completed all selected pending operations in accordance with the IEEE 488.2, 12.5.2 synchronization protocol.


Device-dependent errors

The occurrence of any error in this class shall cause the Device Dependent Error (bit 3) in the event status register to be set.

Errors that have a number of +900 or greater are generated as a result of the self test that is run when the *TST? query is received.


Error code Error message description
100 Advanced features are not available The option board is not installed.
101 Operation denied while in LOCal state Operation is denied because the PCR-M/PCR-LE/PCR-LE2 is in local mode.
102 Operation denied while in OUTPut ON state Operation is denied because the OUTPUT is on.
103 Operation denied while in PROTection state Operation is denied because a protection function is activated.
104 Operation denied due to invalid OUTPut:COUPling mode Operation is denied because the output mode is invalid.
105 Operation denied (OUTPut OFF) Operation is denied because the OUTPUT is off.
106 Operation denied (TRIP DISable) Operation is denied because the action to perform when the current limit is exceeded is set to "not to turn the output off (DISABLE)."
107 Operation denied (RISE TIME/SIM/SEQ) Operation is denied because soft start, power line abnormality simulation, or sequence is in progress.
108 Operation denied (WIRing METHod) Operation is denied because the wiring method (single-phase, two-wire; single-phase, three-wire; or three-phase) is invalid.
109 Operation denied (EXT.OUTPUT OFF) Operation is denied because the output has been turned off through external control.
110 Operation denied (EXT.SEQ.STOP) Operation is denied because a sequence is being executed or stopped through external control.
111 Operation denied (V-PROG) Operation is denied because the AC voltage output is being controlled with an external signal.
112 Operation denied (SOURCE) Operation is denied because the command is in conflict with the signal source setting.
199 Operation denied (BUSY) The operation is denied because the PCR-LE/PCR-LE2 is busy.
201 Operation denied (FREQ) The sequence cannot be executed because there is a step whose frequency is outside its limits.
202 Operation denied (VOLT) The power line abnormality simulation, or the sequence cannot be executed because there is a step whose voltage is outside the voltage range or limits.
203 Operation denied (PHASE CHANG) The sequence cannot be executed because there is a step whose trigger wait setting and sudden phase change setting are both turned on.
301 Settings conflict (COMPENSATION) Setting conflict: Cannot be set because the command is in conflict with the compensation setting.
302 Settings conflict (CV RESPONSE) Setting conflict: Cannot be set because the command is in conflict with the response setting.
303 Settings conflict (RISE TIME) Setting conflict: Cannot be set because the soft start output is in progress or the command is in conflict with the soft start setting.
304 Settings conflict (SYNCRO) Setting conflict: Cannot be set because the synchronization function is in use.
305 Settings conflict (TRIP) Setting conflict: Cannot be set because the command is in conflict with the action that is performed when any of the current limits is exceeded.
306 Settings conflict (UNBALANCE PHASE) Setting conflict: Cannot be set because the phase difference is unbalanced.
308 Settings Conflict (OUTPUT IMPEDANCE) Setting conflict: Cannot be set because an output impedance is set.
309 Settings conflict (WAVE BANK) Setting conflict: Cannot be set because a waveform other than waveform bank No. 0 is in use.
909 Selftest error (DSP SIO) Self-test error: Detected an error in the internal communication.
910 Selftest error (DSP DETect) Self-test error: Detected an input voltage outside the ratings at power-on.
911 Selftest error (DSP VCC) Self-test error: Detected a voltage error.
912 Selftest error (DSP Input) Self-test error: Detected an input voltage outside the ratings.
913 Selftest error (DSP CMD) Self-test error: Detected an invalid internal communication command.
915 Selftest error (CAL) Self-test error: Detected an error in the calibration data.


Command (function search)

Command (ABC search)

Command (Sub-system search)




AC power supply  PCR-M seriesAC Power Supply PCR-LE series
Communication Interface Manual

AC power supply  PCR-M seriesAC Power Supply PCR-LE2 series
Communication Interface Manual

AC power supply  PCR-M seriesAC Power Supply PCR-M series
Communication Interface Manual