
Using Triggers

Setting changes (Sequence 1: TRANsient)

Using the TRIGger:SEQuence1 (or TRIGger:TRANsient) subsystem allows the VOLTage and CURRent settings to be synchronized using triggers. This is convenient if you want to synchronize output changes with the action of other instruments such as electronic loads. To reserve triggered settings, use the VOLTage:TRIGgered and CURRent:TRIGgered commands.


:VOLTage 12.0    'Set the voltage to 12.0 V

:CURRent 1.5    'Set the current to 1.5 A


:VOLTage:TRIGgered 13.5    'Set so that the voltage is 13.5 V when triggered

:CURRent:TRIGgered 2.5    'Set so that the current is 2.5 A when triggered


:TRIGger:SEQuence1:SOURce BUS    'Set the trigger source to BUS


:INITiate:SEQuence1    'Initiate sequence 1

:TRIGger:SEQuence1    'Apply a software trigger to sequence 1

The TRIGger:SEQuence1:SOURce command sets the trigger source to BUS or IMMediate. The INITiate command makes the trigger subsystem leave the IDLE state and go the initiated state. When the Trigger Source is set to IMMediate, the transient action is executed immediately causing the voltage and/or current to change to a new setting. When the Trigger Source is set to BUS, the trigger subsystem goes to the WTG (Waiting For Trigger) state.

If the trigger subsystem is in the WTG state and a software trigger is applied with the TRIGger:SEQuence1 or *TRG common command, the transient action is executed. When the operation is completed, the trigger subsystem returns to the IDLE state again. When an ABORt or an equivalent command is sent without executing the trigger, the transient action is cancelled, and then the trigger subsystem returns to the IDLE state.

The TRIGger command applies a software trigger to the sequence 1 group. The *TRG command or the IEEE488.1 get (Group Execute Trigger) command applies a software trigger to all sequence groups in which the trigger function is initiated.

Operation using a software trigger

The PAT-T can synchronize the output changes using triggers.

When ABOR is sent, INIT:SEQ1 is cancelled. The VOLT:TRIG setting does not change.

Table below shows the responses when the voltage is set to 20 V (VOLT 20) and when the target value to which the voltage is to change using a trigger is set to 10 V (VOLT:TRIG 10).


Immediately after the setting 20 10
After a trigger is sent 10 10
After *RST is sent 0 0
ABOR is sent before sending a trigger 20 20 (cancel)
Voltage change VOLT 30 is sent before sending a trigger 30 30 (cancel)
