Overview of Messages

Default Conditions

Conditions after sending a *RST and at power-on

Table shows how the PAT-T is set when the *RST command is executed, at the time of factory shipment, and when the power is turned on.


Setup item Setting Unit Function
*RST Factory default At power-on
OUTP 0/OFF 0/OFF 0/OFF*1 -- Output on/off setting.
OUTP:PON:STAT RST*2 RST*2 Setting immediately before turning the POWER switch off -- Output condition at power-on.
OUTP:EXT NORM NORM -- Logical setting of the output on/off using external contact.
VOLT 0 0 V Voltage setting.
VOLT:EXT:SOUR NONE*3 NONE*3 -- Control mode setting of constant voltage.
VOLT:FINE*7 0 0 -- Fine adjustment setting for voltage.
VOLT:LIM:AUTO 0/OFF 0/OFF -- Voltage limit setting.
VOLT:PROT 111.5 % of the rated output voltage V OVP setting.
VOLT:TRIG 0 0 V Target voltage using a trigger.
CURR 105.0 % of the rated output current A Current setting.
CURR:EXT:SOUR NONE*3 NONE*3 -- Control mode setting of constant current.
CURR:FINE*7 0 0 -- Fine adjustment setting for current.
CURR:LIM:AUTO 0/OFF 0/OFF -- Current limit setting.
CURR:PROT 111.5 % of the rated output current A OCP setting.
CURR:TRIG 105.0 % of the rated output current A Target current using a trigger.
OUTP:TRIG 0/OFF 0/OFF -- Setting of whether to turn the output on/off using a trigger.
TRIG:SOUR BUS*4 BUS*4 BUS*4 -- Sequence 1 trigger source.
0.0 0.0 Setting immediately before turning the POWER switch off S Output on delay setting.
0.0 0.0 S Output off delay setting.
BUS*4 BUS*4 BUS*4 -- Sequence 2 trigger source.
IMM*5 IMM*5 IMM*5 -- Sequence 3 trigger source.
0/OFF 0/OFF 0/OFF -- Sequence operation auto continue mode of sequence 3.
SYST:CONF:BTR:PROT 0/OFF 0/OFF Setting immediately before turning the POWER switch off -- Breaker trip setting when the OVP or OCP is activated.
SYST:CONF:BTR:SHUT 0/OFF 0/OFF -- Breaker trip setting when the SD signal is applied.
SYST:CONF:MSL MAST MAST -- Status setting during parallel operation.
SYST:CONF:PAR No change 1 -- Setting the number of units in Master-Slave Parallel Operation.
SYST:CONF:PST NORM*6 NORM*6 -- Status signal setting of the output on/off.
SYST:CONF:TRAC No change 0/OFF -- Communication error display/hide setting.
SYST:KLOC -- -- Panel operation lock.
MEM:KLOC 1/ON -- Preset memory recall setting while locked.
SYST:CONF:SPH*8 0/OFF -- Input Mode (single-phase/ three-phase) setting.

*1 The PAT-T may power up at 1/ON depending on the OUTP:PON:STAT setting.

*2 RST: Output turns off at power-on.

*3 NONE: Panel control

*4 BUS: Wait for a software trigger to start the measurement

*5 IMM: Start the measurement immediately

*6 NORM: Output a low level signal while the power is on.

*7 This command is available for 8 kW type products only.

*8 This command is available for 4 kW type products only.
