Command (Function)
System Configuration
Output settings
OUTP:PON:STAT | Output status at power-on |
OUTP:PON | Output status at power-on (old command) |
Setting limits
CURR:LIM:AUTO | Enables and disables the current setting limit |
VOLT:LIM:AUTO | Enables and disables the voltage setting limit |
Remote control settings
SYST:COMM:LANG | Sets the command language |
SYST:LANG | Sets the command language (old command) |
SYST:COMM:EMUL | Sets the emulation |
SYST:LANG:EMUL | Sets the emulation (old command) |
SYST:ERR:TRAC | Sets whether to display or hide communication errors |
OUTP:PROT:WDOG | Sets the communication monitoring |
PWX status
SYST:CONF:BLE | Turns the bleeder on and off |
SYST:CONF:MAST | Queries the number of units in master-slave parallel operation |
SYST:CONF:MON:RANG | Sets the range for voltage and current monitoring |
SYST:CONF:PROT:REC | Sets the method for clearing OHP, FAN, AC-FAIL, and SD alarms |
SYST:CONF:STAR:PRI | Sets the output-on startup state |
External control settings
CURR:EXT:SOUR | Sets the CC control mode setting |
VOLT:EXT:SOUR | Sets the CV control mode setting |
Sets the CC or CV control range |
OUTP:EXT | Sets whether to turn the output on and off using triggers |
OUTP:EXT:LOG | Sets the logic used to control the turning of output on and off using an external contact |
Panel display setting
DISP:BRIG | Sets the panel display brightness |
Master-Slave control setting
SYST:CONF:SLAV:AMM | Sets the current and power display on slave units |