Sets the U phase offset of a sequence step.
This command is valid in single-phase three-wire output or three-phase output (PCR-LE optional).
PROGram:EDIT:PHASe:UOFFset <step_NR1>,<enable_bool>,[<phase_numeric>]
PROGram:EDIT:PHASe:UOFFset? <step_NR1>
Parameter <step_NR1>
Value | 0 to 599 | Number of the step that you want to configure |
Parameter <enable_bool> {ON|OFF|1|0}
Value | ON(1) | The U phase offset is set |
OFF(0) | The U phase offset is not set |
Parameter <phase_numeric> {numeric|MAXimum|MINimum}
Value | 0 to 359 | U phase offset value |
Unit | DEG |
Returns the U phase offset value of the specified step in the following order in response to PROG:EDIT:PHAS:UOFF? <step_NR1>.
Whether the U phase offset is set or not set <NR1>, U phase offset value <NR3>