Command (Subsystem)
MEMory subsystem
MEM:SAV | Saves settings to memory |
MEM:PREV | Views the settings in memory |
MEM:RCL | Recalls settings from memory |
SENSe subsystem
SENS:CURR:HOLD | Sets the hold time of the peak current |
SENS:CURR:PEAK:CLE | Clears the held measured peak current |
SENS:AVER | Sets the averaging period of measured values |
SENSe subsystem(Master-Slave operation)
SENS:CURR:ADJ:ZERO | Starts zero calibration |
DISPlay subsystem
DISP:CONT | Adjusts the screen brightness |
DISP:MMOD:CURR | Sets the measured current and power displays |
DISP:MMOD:VOLT | Sets the measured voltage display |