The PCR-LE series Communication Interface Manual explains the settings and commands for remotely controlling the PCR series using the communication interface.
The PCR-LE2 series Communication Interface Manual explains the settings and commands for remotely controlling the PCR series using the communication interface.
The PCR-M series Communication Interface Manual explains the settings and commands for remotely controlling the PCR series using the communication interface.
•RS232C interface (standard equipped)
•GPIB interface (optional)
•USB interface (optional)
•LAN interface (optional)
When the PCR-LE series is operating under remote control, the REMOTE LED on the display on the front panel lights. To switch from remote mode to local mode (panel operation) from the panel, press LOCAL.
When the PCR-LE2 series is operating under remote control, the REMOTE LED on the display on the front panel lights. To switch from remote mode to local mode (panel operation) from the panel, press LOCAL.
When the PCR-M series is operating under remote control, the REMOTE LED on the display on the front panel lights. To switch from remote mode to local mode (panel operation) from the panel, press LOCAL.
Reading environment
This manual is in HTML format and PDF format. The manual can be viewed by the following environment.
OS: Windows 7 or later
Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 9.0 or later
PDF Reader: Adobe Reader 9.2 or later
Related manuals
For the safety precautions, installation, operation, and specifications of the PCR, read the accompanying PCR-LE series User's Manual.
For the safety precautions, installation, operation, and specifications of the PCR, read the accompanying PCR-LE2 series User's Manual.
For the safety precautions, installation, operation, and specifications of the PCR, read the accompanying PCR-M series User's Manual.
Intended readers
This manual is written for readers with sufficient basic knowledge of how to control instruments using a personal computer.
Familiarize yourself with the syntax of the SCPI commands that are used with the product before you use them.
Structure of the manual
This manual consists of the following sections.
・Overview of messages
・Command (list*1)
*1. The list of command is provided in a PDF file.
Microsoft, Windows NT and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
All other company names and product names used in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective company.
Firmware version of the product to which this manual applies
This manual applies to products with the following firmware version:
Instrument Interface Standards
The PCR conforms to the following standards.
•IEEE Std 488.2-1992 IEEE Standard Codes, Formats, Protocols, and Common Commands For Use With IEEE Std 488.1-1987
•IEEE Std 488.1-1987 IEEE Standard Digital Interface for Programmable Instrumentation
•Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) version 1999.0
•Universal Serial Bus Specification Rev 2.0
•Universal Serial Bus Test and Measurement Class Specification (USBTMC) Rev 1.0
•Universal Serial Bus Test and Measurement Class, Subclass USB488 Specification (USBTMC-USB488) Rev 1.0
•TCP/IP Instrument Protocol Specification VXI-11
•IVI-6.1 IVI High-Speed LAN Instrument Protocol (HiSLIP) Rev 1.0
•LXI Standard 1.3
Copyright and publication
The contents of this manual may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, without the prior consent of the copyright holder.
The specifications of this product and the contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice.
Copyright© 2010 Kikusui Electronics Corporation
IX00001R, Dec. 2015