Installing the VISA Library

A VISA library is required to use the usb. The VISA library (any one of NI-VISA, AgilentVISA, and KI-VISA) must be installed in the controller (Windows).

VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture) is a specification for a standard software for connecting instruments that was defined by the VXIplug&play Systems Alliance.

One of the VISA libraries (driver software implemented in compliance with the VISA specifications) below is necessary. USB functions for those cannot be used on Windows 95 or Windows NT 3.5x or 4.0.

NI-VISA by National Instruments (Ver. 4.0 or later)

Agilent VISA by Agilent Technologies (Agilent IO Libraries Suite14.2 or later)

KI-VISA Ver. 3.1.3 or later

Installing KI-VISA

KI-VISA is Kikusui's original VISA library that supports VXIplug&play VISA Specifications.

The newest version can be downloaded from Kikusui website (

KI-VISA is not required if NI-VISA or Agilent VISA is already installed.

1.  Load the accompanying CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive.

2.  Move to the VISA folder using the menu program of the CD-ROM or Explorer.

3.  Double-click Kivisa_x_x_x.exe.

The value for x varies depending on the revision of the VISA library stored on the CD-ROM.

4.  Proceed with the installation according to the instructions on the screen.